Why do I need to enter start and/or finish dates?
Unions require that we report the days on which the performer worked. Use the calendar pop-up to set the dates as needed.
What should I put in the “Message on invoice” field?
The Message on invoice field lets you include billing data or whatever information is necessary for your records—project numbers, POs, ISBNs, etc. It’s not a required field and can remain blank.
The performer I want to pay doesn’t appear in the talent dropdown list. What should I do?
If the performer you’d like to pay doesn’t appear in the Select Performer dropdown, you can invite that person (or agent) to create an account. Click + Invite new performer in the menu bar or on the payment form, and enter an email address. At this point, one of three case obtains: The email belongs to no existing user. If […]
The narrator I want to pay appears more than once in the dropdown. How do I select the correct talent profile?
You can send payments directly to talent or through their agents, if they’ve been engaged. In the performer dropdown list, the information in parenthesis specifies the recipient as For example: Select Mary Welch (Direct pay – SAG-AFTRA), if you want to pay Mary directly. Or select Mary Welch (Artemis Fleet Talent – SAG-AFTRA), if you made the booking […]
What is the difference between a performance name, a legal name, and a pseudonym?
Here are the ways Eljin distinguishes between these terms.
Can I edit my profile?
Yes. You can change any field whenever you’d like. The only exception: The account email is not editable. You can, however, add additional email addresses on the Edit account page.
I haven’t received a penny deposit yet. I’ve re-entered my banking information. What now?
If you don’t see a penny deposit after five days, let us know. (Most banks credit the penny overnight, but policies vary from institution to institution.) We’ll check our logs to make sure that there wasn’t an error.
What is a penny test?
A best practice in which one cent is automatically deposited into the bank account you’ve entered into the profile. This ensures that the information on hand is accurate and that transactions can be made successfully. When you receive the penny deposit, please confirm receipt in the Settings II (Financial) page of your profile.
Why do I need to select a payment type (Standard Eljin or ACX US) in Financial Settings?
This selection associates your payments with a “signatory,” a party signed to a union agreement. Different agreements stipulate specific rates for union Health & Retirement contributions. They also invoke different templates for calculating earnings and fees. Most users will want to select Standard Eljin from the dropdown. But if you’re paying narrators you’ve engaged through ACX, choose ACX […]
Why do I need to enter my banking information?
Eljin exists to make electronic payments between parties. Individual payers and all payees must supply banking information to enable Eljin to route payments. All payments and collections conform to the standards and specifications of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) and the Canadian Payment Association (CPA).